Bringing families together in Israel
Renewing Faith ~ Strengthening Families
Unforgettable and Life Changing Experiences

Join Jim, Patti & Abbagael for their annual Israel Tour
$3,699 — Full package from Newark, NJ
$2,610 — Just land package
(when you pay by check)
Full Itinerary
Day 1 Friday May 1- The Encounter Begins - Depart Newark, New Jersey
Today, you and your family will board your flight and fly to Israel to begin a fascinating journey. As you walk through this land you will encounter the Lord in new and fresh ways. He will meet you along the way and you will never be the same again.
Day 2 Saturday May 2 - Arrive Tel Aviv
Welcome to Israel! God caused this nation to be re-birthed in 1948, thus fulfilling many His promises to the nation. This is the land that the prophets spoke about telling of how God would regather His people and bring them back to this land (Ezekiel 11:17). We will be met at the airport and we will board our luxury, air-conditioned, wifi equipped coach. (Wifi will give you the ability to share photos and thoughts with family and friends in real time). You will meet Hanna Ben-Haim, our amazing tour guide.
Then we will go to our hotel for the evening. We will enjoy dinner and have a brief meeting after dinner to allow our families and opportunity to meet one another.
Overnight - Netanya https://www.ramadanetanya.com/
Day 3 Wednesday May 3- Drive to the Galilee
We will travel along the beautiful Mediterranean coast north to one of the great cities of the ancient world. Herod’s port city of Caesarea. It was home to the Roman centurion Cornelius, the first Gentile with whom Peter shared the Gospel. Cornelius’ entire household was saved and immersed (baptized) in water (Acts 10). This was also Israel’s most modern city when Jesus was alive. Here, Herod Agrippa 1, the king had the Apostle James beheaded and had Peter thrown into prison. Agrippa 1 was eaten by worms (Acts 12:19-23). From here Paul sailed to Tarsus following his conversion (Acts 9:30). It was here that Paul was imprisoned for two years (Acts 25). We will walk on the beach and view the famous Roman Aqueduct.
We will travel up the coast to Mount Carmel. Beautiful scenery lies within the Carmel Range. This is where Elijah stood against the false prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:19-39), and where he later interceded for rain until the 3 ½ year drought was ended (1Kings 18:41-45). We will have a beautiful view overlooking Megiddo which is where the armies of earth will gather in Armageddon (Megiddo) (Revelation 16:16).
Then on to briefly overlook Nazareth Village. We will board our coach and move on to our quaint hotel where we will be spending the next three nights.
Overnight - Galilee – Gai Beach Hotel
Day 4 Thursday May 4 - Galilee
We will begin our day with a beautiful hike up Mount Arbel and enjoy a stunning view of the Sea of Galilee. Next, we will travel to Capernaum located northwest of the Sea of Galilee. Capernaum was Jesus’ “own town” (Matthew 9:1) and where he had His headquarters. Many events of His ministry took place in and around this community. He traveled from here and also healed many people from this area (Matthew 8:5-13;14-17, Matthew 9, 11:23-24 John 4:46-54 are just a few examples). Then we will take a walk and descend the Mount of Beatitudes. This walk provides us with a gorgeous view of the Sea of Galilee. This is the traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12). Take time to reflect as you walk.
We will drive a short distance to Magdala. Magdala is where a 2000 year old Synagogue was unearthed just a few short years ago. Remember Mary Magdalene? In Hebrew, she was actually “Miriam of Magdala”. This was her town. Jesus was sure to have preached in this ancient synagogue. What a fascinating place.
From here we will drive to the Jordan River. We will have the opportunity to worship together and you and your family can be baptized in the Jordan River if you so desire. This is always a very deeply touching and special time.
On to the Sea of Galilee where will take a boat ride. On these seashores, Jesus called disciples to “Come follow Me”. He walked on this water and calmed this Sea.
Afterwards, we will go a short distance to see the Jesus Boat. This is a 2000 year old boat found in the 1970’s on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Back to Emily’s Boutique for dinner and some family time together.
Overnight - Galilee – Gai Beach Hotel
Day 5 Friday May 5- Galilee
We will begin our day in the Hula Valley where we will visit the Hula Nature Reserve. When the Jews returned to Israel in the 1800s, it was a malaria-filled swamp - now it is one of the most amazing places in Israel. For the active ones, there will be an 8K
(5 miles) leisurely bike ride through the breathtaking reserve (no hills!). For others, there will be golf carts. Nearly 400 species of birds pass through the nature reserve and you might even spot some water buffalo.
Then we will drive to the beautiful Tel Dan nature reserve for an easy hike next to the Dan River. This is the area that was conquered by the tribe of Dan (Joshua 19:47) and where they also practiced idolatry (Judges 18:27-30). This is also where King Jeroboam tried to build a “second Jerusalem” (1 Kings 12:25-33).
Then we move on to Caesarea Philippi. This site was previously sacred to the Canaanite god, Baal. The Greeks took the area and dedicated the site to their god, Pan, from which its present name of Banyas is taken. Herod the Great’s son, Philip, made Banyas his capital, renaming it Caesarea Philippi, and turned it into the biggest city in northern Israel. This is the northernmost place which we have record of Jesus visiting. It was along the road to Caesarea Philippi that Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God (Matthew 16:13-20). Next, we will travel to the northernmost part of Israel. Bental and Golan Heights. We will walk through the bunkers there. It is a very beautiful place and is the highest point in the country. This area is rich in biblical ancient history (Dt. 3:8-11: Joshua 13:29-30; 21; 1 Chronicles 6:7; Psalm 22:12; Isaiah 2:12-13; 33:9, Amos 4:1; Micah 7:14; Jeremiah 50:1; Ezekiel 27:6). It is rich in modern history with Israel defending this area numerous times since they became a nation in 1948. We will descend back into the Galilee and end our day enjoying Shabbat with local believers.
Overnight - Galilee – Gai Beach Hotel
Day 6 Saturday May 6 – Water Day/Dead Sea
Today, we will drive south through the beautiful Jordan Valley toward the Dead Sea. We will visit Ein Harod (Gideon’s Springs). This is the place where God whittled Gideon’s army down to only 300 men. But those 300 men, armed only with pitchers, torches, and trumpets, and most importantly, the Presence of the Living God, routed a much superior army of the Midianites (Judges 7).
Then on to Sachne Springs where Solomon watered his horses.
Next, we will see Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
Next, we will go to another beautiful treasure. The hiding place of King David. Ein Gedi. Its cliffs rise 2,000 feet and are filled with caves. In one of those caves David sought relief from the the pursuit of King Saul and he also cut off a piece of Saul’s rob instead of killing him (1 Samuel 23:29). David wrote many of the Psalms here. Be ready to enjoy a nice hike and get wet. Take in the gorgeous waterfalls, caves, wildlife. Ancient history echoes here.
From here we will go to our hotel by the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is formed from the Jordan River and small streams. It is 50 miles long and about 10 miles wide. Its shores lie 1,300 feet below sea level and the waters reach a depth of 1,300 feet. It has no outlet and evaporates at the rate of 7 million tons of water per day. The fresh water that evaporates leaves a salinity and mineral content of 25% in the water. We will enjoy floating in this amazing wonder.
Overnight - Dead Sea - Isrotel Ganim (B/D) https://www.isrotel.com/isrotel-ganim
Day 7 Sunday May 7 - Negev Desert
Today we will get an early start and go to Masada. It is 2 ½ miles from the Dead Sea to the base of Masada. This mountain fortress is one half mile long and 220 yards wide. It was built by Herod the Great who fortified it on the northeast corner. The top of Masada was used for cultivation and a great cistern and cellar system was hewn out of the rock for storage of water and food. When Jerusalem fell in 70 AD, the Jewish patriot Eliezer Ben Yair and 967 people with him escaped to the top of Masada. The Romans worked for three years building a ramp up one side in order to get to the top. You can take the cable car to the top or join the Sullivan tribe on a strenuous hike to the top. This is another highlight of the trip. Plan to be physically prepared and we request that at least one parent from each family accompany your child/children if they are climbing. You’ll need a hat and water. See you at the top.
We will learn much history as we tour the top of Masada. We will then descend Masada on the other side and go further into the desert to a Bedouin Camp. We will be staying in the Bedouin camp for the night. Enjoy a camel ride in the desert, a Bedouin hospitality dinner and an evening under the stars with a campfire and worshipping together.
Overnight - Kfar Hanokdim (B/D)
Day 8 Monday May 8 - Up to Jerusalem
Today, we drive up to Jerusalem. You are alive and here in this land experiencing the fulfillment of many promises that God made to the ancient (and modern) nation of Israel. We will begin our journey traveling toward Jerusalem. Our fiirst stop is in Beersheba. Abraham’s Well is located here. Abraham made an agreement, paid 7 ewe lambs, and took an oath with Abimelech to establish ownership of this well that he had dug. Much history happened in Beersheba. Beersheba means “well of the oath” or “well of seven” (Genesis 21:31). Here in Beersheba Isaac also quarreled with Abimelech and took an oath (Gen 26:26-33). Jacob stole his birthright from Esau here (Genesis 28:10). Jacob paused here to offer sacrifices before leaving the promised land of Egypt (Genesis 46:1-7).
Next, we will continue to celebrate by arriving at Beit Guvrin - archaeological dig. We will participate in a rare opportunity to participate in the “Dig For A Day” program.
It will last for three hours.
This exciting activity includes: digging, sifting, pottery examination and touring the national park of Beit Guvrin with an exciting crawl through unexcavated cave systems.
On to see the Elah Valley. The location where David defeated Goliath after a 40 day standoff between the armies of Israel and the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:2, 19; 21:9). You will have an opportunity to pick your very own 5 smooth stones. Let’s worship the Lord as we will travel to the Holy City, Jerusalem. There is no other city in the world like this city. All of Jerusalem will be rejoicing on this historic day. We will arrive at our beautiful hotel and settle in. We will enjoy an amazing dinner. Exciting days ahead.
Overnight - Jerusalem - Ramada
Day 9 Tuesday May 9 - Jerusalem
We will begin our day on the Mount of Olives taking in the breathtaking view of the Old City and the site where Jesus will return (Zechariah 14:3-5). Again, much biblical history is recorded here from King David, Solomon, Ezekiel and more. Jesus rode down the Mount of Olives (Matthew 21:1-11). He wept over Jerusalem from here (Luke 19:41-44) and described the prophetic future of Jerusalem while seated here (Matthew 24-25). He left the upper room and went to Gethsemane here (Matthew 26:36-56). And after His resurrection He ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives (Luke 24:50-53). The hill received its name because it was covered with olive groves during that time.
On to the Garden of Gethsemane. It is believed to be here, in this garden, that Jesus agonized in prayer (Matthew 26:36-46). It is here that Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested by the Roman soldiers (Matthew 26:47-56). We will then visit the Kidron Valley area. This valley runs 2 ¾ miles along the eastern wall of Jerusalem. During the reforms of Israel’s kings, idols and other pagan items used in worship were disposed of in the valley. Asa burnt his mother’s idols (1 Kings 15:13). Josiah destroyed the vessels made for Baal worship (2 Kings 23:4, 6). Hezekiah cast all unclean items from the Temple (2 Chronicles 29:16; 30:14). This Valley is associated with God’s judgment of the nations and is often called the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
We will see the House of Caiaphas. This is where Jesus is tried before the Sanhedrin. Peter also denies Jesus 3 times here.
We will go to The Cardo in the Jewish Quarter for lunch. There are plenty of nearby quaint cafes to choose from. Our next stop will be the Upper Room area where we will see the first Messianic synagogue building (Mark 14:13-15).
Later, in the evening we will watch an amazing Sound and Light Show at David’s Citadel.
Overnight - Jerusalem - Ramada Hotel
Day 10 Wednesday May 10 – Jerusalem (Tunnel Day)
Early morning we will arrive at the City of David. We will walk through the ancient tunnels and see Gihon Spring. We will learn of how the city was overtaken by the Jebusites and how the original city of Jerusalem was established right here by King David. We will walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel. An amazing experience! (Bring a small flashlight and water shoes).
We will see the Pool of Siloam where Jesus healed the paralytic.
We will walk from Siloam, through an ongoing tunnel excavation, to the Southern Wall Excavations.
Here is where Peter preached his first sermon to 3,000. Soon after they were immersed (baptized) in the local Mikvot (immersion tanks). Then we will visit the Davidson Center that is located on this historic archaeological site to learn more about the historical importance of this area.
We will follow the traditional route of the Way of the Cross by Jaffa Gate. We will see the traditional site where Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion. Lunch in the Old City. We will see the traditional Via Dolorosa “The Way of Sorrow” traveled by Jesus on His way to the cross. We will go to the Western Wall Tunnel and the Kotel (Western Wall). You can pray at the Western Wall. After our first very full day in Jerusalem we will travel back to the Hotel for a delicious dinner and a restful evening.
Overnight - Jerusalem - Ramada Hotel
Day 11 Thursday May 11 - Jerusalem
We will travel to Golgotha where Jesus was crucified.
We will see the Garden Tomb and celebrate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ! He is not here. He is risen! We will conclude our time here at the Garden Tomb worshipping the Lord and celebrating Communion together!
From here we are going to take an adventurous walk on the Rampart Wall of the Old City (built during the Ottoman Empire over 400 years ago). We will have our dinner and Farewell wrap up in the evening.
Overnight - Jerusalem - Ramada Hotel
Day 12 Friday May 12. Head home with a grateful and full heart.
We look forward to sharing this journey together with you all in Israel in May 1-12, 2020!
**Schedule in Israel is always subject to change**
May 1 - May 12, 2020
$2,610 (payment by check)
Land Package Only
$3,699 (payment by check)
Full Package
Price if you use credit card or Paypal
$2,680 Land Package and $3799 Full Package
Rates Include:
Excellent four-star hotel accommodations May 1 through May 11.
Delicious Mediterranean breakfast and dinner buffets daily.
Entrance fees to all scheduled sites.
Transportation throughout the Land with experienced guides.
Meeting and assistance at Ben Gurion airport on arrival and departure at Ben Gurion if you take our full package.
Tips and Gratuities.
Rates do not include:
Lunches Be prepared to spend between $8-$13 a day. Many skip lunch as the breakfast and dinner buffets are bountiful.
Travel Insurance (required!) If you need medical attention, you will need a credit card. Travel Insurance is cheap and very smart!
Anything that is not mentioned above.
FULL PACKAGE – Payment Schedule for check
(add $100 per person to last payment if paying online)
$100 non-refundable deposit per person due at registration
$1200 per person due on October 11, 2019
$1200 per person due on January 10, 2020
$1199 per person due on March 6, 2020 ($1299 for online payment)
LAND PACKAGE – Payment Schedule for check
(add $70 per person to last payment if paying online)
$100 non-refundable deposit per person due at registration
$800 per person due on October 11, 2019
$800 per person due on January 10, 2020
$910 per person due on March 6, 2020 ($1010 for online payment)
*If you book your own flights, we will tell you exactly where and when to meet us at the airport.
Refund Policy
Up until January 10, 2020, you can receive a full refund less the $100 deposit
Beginning March 6, 2020, you can receive a refund but less the deposit and $500
No refunds after April 3, 2020
**All check payments (except the deposit of $100 can be made payable to “Israel Family Encounters” and mailed to:
Israel Family Encounters
P.O. Box 780153
Sebastian, Florida 32978
Discover… the mysteries of the Rabbi’s/ Western wall tunnel
Walk through …the wet or dry ancient tunnel of King Hezekiah (bring a flashlight!)
Sit on…the Temple Mount steps where Jesus taught as a child.
Enjoy…the biblical on site teaching
Celebrate… His Resurrection with
Cable Car to… Masada King Herod’s fortress or Walk UP the SNAKE Path!
Walk down … the ROMAN RAMP of Masada!
Hike through… the oasis of En Gedi where David hid from Saul
Swim under… the waterfalls of En Gedi (maybe King David was refreshed here, too!)
Be part of…an archaeological dig! Find an ancient treasure!
Sail… on the Sea of Galilee
Family Bike ride …in the Hula family.
Overlook… Mt. Arbel & the Sea of Galilee
Ride a camel…in the Judean Wilderness
Enjoy… a biblical meal in a Bedouin tent and sleep under the stars
Float… in the Dead Sea
Tour Highlights
These words, which I am commanding you today, are to be on your heart. You are to teach them diligently to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7